Wednesday, 2 December 2009

feeback =)

We really like the vibrant colours on the digi pack and the silhouette of the guitar. The colour strips that lead from the front to the back show good continuity and the group members faces being shown work really well on the cover. The DVD symbol and bar code are also a nice touch. We like the shooting star effect on the inside of the cover and the colourful stripes being used again.
The image of the band on the inside cover isn't as effective as the rest as the band members looked too smudged and out of focus but the colour stripes around the world are very effective.

Our group has mixed views on the poster. Some group members think that it is too bright and there is too much going on where as others think the colours work well as they link back to the other ancillary products. The text was clear and easy to read so work well with the brightly coloured background as it was simple plain text. The quotes included on the top left of the poster work really well as they are informative and add to the piece.

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