Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Pier Goodwin Feedback

1. The stage performance and lip syncing are impressive especially with the different shots which compliment the timing of their dance routine. Even if the band are meant to be of the indie genre and incorporate more instrument playing, dancing worked extremely well for this group's favour.

2. Lip syncing is involved through out and creates excellent music video expectations. All the characters in the video take part in lip syncing, which amplifies the chorus of the song.

3. Guitar playing is introduced during a solo on a electric guitar the cords seem right and and are all in time, and create more attention to the song.

4. All of the "band" members are in the shots managing to all have their "moment' meaning the viewers are introduced to all of the members at an equal amount. They continue through out the video close up's of the artists.

5. Even if there isn't many of them shots, the notion of looking is sometimes seen while the group is performing a dance. However most of the time it uses straight forward close up's of artists which is expected of this genre.

6. Rather similar to some boy band videos simply because it contains dancing and singing .

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